2021 On The Move Scholarship Winner: Jeanie Chang

Jun 10, 2021News

mLINQS is pleased to announce that the winner of the 2021 On the Move Scholarship is Jeanie Chang of Germantown, Maryland. Jeanie is a 2021 graduate of Northwest High School, and will be attending Princeton University in the Fall of 2021. Jeanie is the member of multiple National Honor Societies, and her impressive resume includes the roles of Founder and Creative Director for Dye4Change Studios and Marketing and Outreach Director for Yelloh Moose Magazine.

Jeanie’s many accomplishments include: U.S. Presidential Scholar Nominee, New York Times “Coming of Age in 2020” Multimedia Contest Finalist, 2021 Coca Cola Foundation Scholarship Semi-Finalist, and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Visual Arts Contest Winner.

The purpose of the annual On the Move Scholarship from mLINQS is to recognize and reward a deserving senior student who has excelled in academic achievement while facing the challenges of multiple relocations during his or her childhood.